Our History

EDC arises in 2006 from a team of experts who decided to put their minds and their paths together after a long experience in the major global consulting Organization and Information & Communication Technology companies and after playing Top Manager roles in other business firms. The meaning was to create a new reality by merging the acquired know-how, the best practices and the everyone's career path with the willing of building the most appropriate and ad-hoc approach for the Client to achieve together the previously set goals.

We have been working in Italy and abroad on local and global projects for various Customers, typically in industrial, financial and services industries.

Some of us have practice as university lecturer and coach to Management and Top Management about information systems, organization and human resources contents.

EDC has been growing by founding its own network of which JC27 and EDC Real Estate are part of, by involving professionals with business and consulting background and young personnel, to integrate the acquired knowledge with the challenge from the new generations and to hand over the know-how as an education opportunity for all.

Edc network

Our Values

We work for the Client and with the Client

  • on proposed and shared solutions with common goals;
  • by combining structured approaches (but not pre-defined) to problems and solutions coming from our background to the concreteness of our work which is customised on the situation and the needs of each single Client;
  • with a strong focus on the result to be achieved;
  • through the creation of a very close unique work team made of our people and Client personnel, according to the requirements of the different projects;
  • by transferring the know-how and the needed competences to the different company levels to allow its management and repetition;
  • by sustaining the Top Management in their change journey;
  • by providing an overall flexible and proactive service.

Our Thinking

Companies often grow very fast through the development of new business and/or by acquisition of other firms, following an expansion strategic plan designed and led by the Management.

Sometimes the organization structure is not able to fully align itself with the same promptness that is required by the growth. The upgrade of the enterprise processes, supported by the information systems, requires indeed actions that have different timing and implications from change timetable.

Furthermore, when the volume of activities and entities involved is considerable, it is strongly needed to:

  • re-design the organizational arrangement of the Group, in order to assign responsibilities, clear and well-defined roles to the entities themselves and to the Management;
  • identify centralization/decentralization and convergence opportunities, relationship and control logics;

by even obtaining cost and infrastructure possible savings.

On the other hand, it is clear that the administrative and operating processes, business control models and information systems must significantly change when the enterprise context becomes complex and solicits consistent and homogeneous understanding of events and data at different business area and Group levels.

So the most frequent action is to re-design the information systems, assigning to the technology and to the adoption of the most recent application software packages (so-called "ERP") the exclusive way to solve the firm's set of problems and to simplify the (new) complexity.

The recurring risk is to use the new technology to represent the AS-IS organizational models, internal processes and current control models, without resolving the real issues despite remarkable investments in information technology.

Then the result is often to buy and adopt advanced technologies to work in old manner.

Conversely it is essential to proceed in re-designing models and internal processes according to new company's requirements by applying an integrated approach consisting during the re-design phase in evaluating the information support systems potential alternatives. In this way it is possible to implement models that the application software packages can easily represent and concurrently uptake what the technology can offer in defining models to facilitate their application.

Discover how we can help you in achieving concrete results… Visit our Services section.


We work as a team

Each of us works in a Client integrated team by providing his/her own competences and by playing his/her role with specific responsibilities and activities assigned. Together with the other team members he/she is committed to the final result that represents the result for everyone and expecially the success for the Client.

We strongly believe in working as a unique team!

This is the reason why we are sponsoring who plays with team spirit.
