The process-information system integrated approach adopted in our projects gave us the opportunity to grow up significant experiences in Change Management and Communication areas interrelated to Firm's transformation programs.

Changing our habits is (and has ever been) a very difficult process and it is often a delicate issue from psychological side.

To clearly and completely explain the change through an effective communication and training perspective permits to adequately motivate the people.

The practice with our Client allows us to plan and put actions in place to make the change share, assimilate, internalize and stable for the future.

In particular, our services are related to:

Change Management

Integrated journey plan design and deliver (training, communication etc) to support the transition phase between the as-is and the to be model, to facilitate the awareness of the new processes and logics, by reinforcing the sense of belonging to the Firm of the involved employees.


  • Training initiatives and events preparation and deliver on specific project contents (e.g. company depts, information systems/process/role/new model) and on overall matters (eg change management, leadership, team building/teamworks, methods etc);
  • Train the Trainer on classroom techniques.


  • Communication Programs: integrated communication plan design and deliver to combine traditional communication events (workshop, interview, newsletter, video etc.) with different approaches (e.g. theatre, sport etc);
  • Facilitating: design of involvement approach, methodologies, techniques and tools to manage Top Management meetings with specific previously fixed goals and related "Facilitator" activities in order to reinforce their fundamental role of active sponsors in tranformation programs or focused on specific Management needs.